29th November 2004 Ian Wells
This is a How-To for e-smith-sysmon which is an add-on package written by Shad L. Lords which is used to track and graph vital statistics about your SME server. Support for lm_sensors and apcupsd has been integrated. The version that I installed was v4.1-1.
To install sysmon download the
three rpms, e-smith-sysmon, rrdtool, sysstat, to a directory.
In that directory install the RPMs
# rpm -Uvh *.rpm
To see the graphs
look for the new Server Manager panel System Monitor under
If you look too soon after installing the RPMs the graphics may not be visible,
in which case wait for a minute.
There are two main views available. The default shows one graph per item
being monitored, the second view shows one item but across all time
intervals. To switch between the two views click on a graph.
The original version of sysmon was written by Juan J. Prieto and Jaime Nebrera.
Sysmon is currently having another re-write by Shad.
sysmon includes quite a few configurable variables, which are summarised below.
To set these variables use the following notation: /sbin/e-smith/config setprop sysmon ----- hosts: this is a comma separated list of hosts to ping. default is gateway. to disable pinging set to none. interval: time between ping packets. default it 0.25. count: number of ping packets to send. default is 20. pingscale: what ping value is equal to 100% packet loss. default is 300. maxping: what is the top end of the ping graph. default is 400.
The two main types of graphs are
shown on the following pages. These are typical graphs, rather than an actual snapshot.
Daily Graph which shows all of the graphs.
Sensor Graph which shows the graph across each time period.
Copyright © 2004 Ian Wells :
The original can be found from http://www.wellsi.com/sme :
Please send additions & corrections to me.
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